As if this isn't an important enough year with your arrival, it is also the year in which your Nonna Mariapia finishes her 6th decade!
Your mom has been planning for some time a get-together with you, herself, Nonna and your Uncle Matteo and his girlfriend Benedetta. When your grandmother was initially asked where she would like to go, the question very quickly and firmly came back: Venice!
Nonna Mariapia always found Venice to be a magical place, but exactly how special it was to her was only realised after all of you arrived there as you found out that she has bought a house on this ancient island!
The birthday lunch itself took place on Isola della Giudecca in a restaurant with tables right on the Grand Canal! A fantastic view of the St. Marks bell tower rounded off a perfect setting for celebrating a special occasion, complete with a birthday cake with 3 candles, each representing 20 years!

Your mom has been planning for some time a get-together with you, herself, Nonna and your Uncle Matteo and his girlfriend Benedetta. When your grandmother was initially asked where she would like to go, the question very quickly and firmly came back: Venice!
Nonna Mariapia always found Venice to be a magical place, but exactly how special it was to her was only realised after all of you arrived there as you found out that she has bought a house on this ancient island!
The birthday lunch itself took place on Isola della Giudecca in a restaurant with tables right on the Grand Canal! A fantastic view of the St. Marks bell tower rounded off a perfect setting for celebrating a special occasion, complete with a birthday cake with 3 candles, each representing 20 years!
Over the following days more sightseeing took place, as well as a visit to Murano to look for a chandelier for the new house. Venice already started to feel like home!
The famous St. Mark's square however, only got a fleeting visit since this great city is not exactly the most baby (buggy) friendly with all its steps, cobblestones and canals! However, many future visits are planned, especially around the well known carnival, as all of you get onto the train to Rome 3 days later, for your first journey by rail!
The famous St. Mark's square however, only got a fleeting visit since this great city is not exactly the most baby (buggy) friendly with all its steps, cobblestones and canals! However, many future visits are planned, especially around the well known carnival, as all of you get onto the train to Rome 3 days later, for your first journey by rail!
As is now becoming the norm, your second visit to Rome meant lots of visits to friends, but by far the most important was the visit to Valerio and Federico, twin boys of Sabrina and Raffaele and not even a month old! A very nice afternoon is spent with the Costa family and at the end all of the grown ups are again reminded of how fortunate they are to have such beautiful little human beings!
To cap a great trip for you, you experience for the first time food other than milk. A spoon of mashed apricot is met with great surprise by you, only seconds before it is eagerly gobbled up!
To cap a great trip for you, you experience for the first time food other than milk. A spoon of mashed apricot is met with great surprise by you, only seconds before it is eagerly gobbled up!