The term "citizen of the world" is one that you will often hear floating around and you Iolanda, is a prime example of that! With a dad from Namibia in Africa, a mom from Rome in Italy and a German grandmother, you will be born under the shadow of Big Ben in England as one of the most cosmopolitan little babies around!
Mum and Dad
Mum is formally known as Alessandra Foderaro, born in Rome, Italy, from a family that is originally from Milan. She is rightly very proud of her Italian heritage and is adamant that she will only speak Italian to you! As a very well educated lady, she is already passionate about your cultural education, so expect lots of trips to museums, fun exhibitions and other activities that will ensure you have no free time left!
Dad is Heino von Wielligh, and it is obviously from him that you will get your surname that nobody will be able to pronounce! Born in a tiny village in Namibia, he came over to England in the year 2000 to "work and travel for a couple of years". Crazy about sport, he will endeavour to maintain the balance between the physical and intellectual parts of your upbringing!
Nonna(grandmother) Mariapia
Nonno (grandfater) Gianfranco
Ouma(grandmother) Sonja von Wielligh

Oupa(grandfather) Joepie von Wielligh

Bis nonna(great grandmother) Delia
Oom(uncle) Henrico and Tannie(aunt) Letitia.
Henrico von Wielligh is your father's older brother. Eight years older than your dad, Henrico had a very big influence on the kind of person your dad is as he has been a constant role model during his childhood. A trained lawyer by profession, he currently lives in Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia.
Letitia von Wielligh (now Letitia Siebert) is Heino's sister. Six years older than him, Letitia spent many hours looking after Heino when he was a very little boy on the family farm. She also lives in Windhoek and works as an accounts manager for a big medical insurance company.Alessandra's brother Matteo Foderaro is about as different from her as chalk is from cheese! For one, he is much more sporty, having spent many years playing basketball, and is also passionate about snowboarding. He is also infinitely more trendy, and in fact, he bought you the set of clothes that you wore for the first time, suggesting that he will make sure you stay up to date with the current fashion trends. Something, sadly, that your parents are not really that able to help you with!
He lives in Rome and co-manages an advertising company that he started with two of his friends. This company also includes Busta, a monthly advertising package that is distributed all over Italy. Matteo has shown a lot of affection for you from the very first day!
Cousins Jacobus and Sonja Siebert
Famiglia Genderini
Augusto Genderini is your nonna Mariapia's younger brother, and therefore your mom's uncle. Also a doctor by trade, he lives in Milan with his wife Stefania, an English teacher, and their two sons, Francesco and Giovanni. These two cousins of your mom's live in Milan and are attending university there. Their nonna Benita showed a lot of interest in you as well, so, since they are your nonna's closest family, we will probably spend a lot of Christmases with them in Milan.
Iris, Theo and Demi van Breda
Family from Cremona
Cremona is a town in the Lombardia region of Italy, close to Milan. This is also the place where your nonno Gianfranco's father's family are from.
Zio Vitto, zia Lalla and Zia Annadina are all your nonno Gianfranco's cousins, but they are more like brothers and sisters since the two sets of parents were all brothers and sisters, if this makes any sense! To explain it in another way, two brothers married two sisters and from the one side came your nonno, and from the other side came Vitto, Lalla and Annadina!Part of their families include Anotonio, Giuseppe, Paola, Massimiliano and Riccardo, which means that there are a whole bunch of people in Cremona who can't wait to meet you!