Sunday, 4 September 2011

Eighth Month.

Continuing the habit of celebrating your months in new countries, you see out your eighth month in France.

It is a month during which you've desperately tried to crawl. It started by you pushing yourself forward from sitting onto your tummy, and for the first few weeks you actually moved backwards! Eventually you got the direction right, but it is still just a shuffle around the living room floor. Staying on all fours is still just that bit too difficult!

Another new development is you shaking your head vigorously from left to right, most of the time with the widest possible smile! This little action clearly makes you very happy.

Solid food is now well established, to the point where you don't need any breastfeeding during the day anymore. Night time is still where the problem lies though, and the good progress we've made in Finale over the summer holiday is all but gone!

Then, on the 28th August, we notice first sign of a little tooth! This is a big event as it follows months of furious dribbling and of course speculation about when the first appearance will be. Could it be that it is because of this that the night time routine has gone backwards?

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Holiday in France.

The little intrepid baby Iolanda is continuing her world tour by visiting her 5th country in just eight months! This time it is France on the itinerary and we are looking forward to a short break with some very good friends.

Kate's (wife of Alessandra's friend Fabio from University) family owns a large, beautiful countryside house near the town of Cahors and she invited an Italian contingent for a week of sunshine, good wine and lots of relaxing by the pool! Included in the group are Anna, Paulo, their 18 month old son Flavio and of course Emanuele.

The week is every bit as relaxing as promised with visits to the local farmers market, long walks in between swims and of course lots of Italian cooking. You are a bit sceptical of Flavio's show of affection as a nice caress always ends up as a soft slap! He calls you Danda, a name that we think suits you and that you might hear again once or twice!

Unfortunately your dad can only stay for the weekend, however your mom continues to make the most of her free time during maternity leave!