Monday, 23 August 2010

Second scan, 23 August 2010.

This scan is a very important one as they will now check that all your organs are developing properly and therefore your mom is understandably a bit anxious! After the usual wait we are showed to the little room and everything is prepared for us to see you again.

The midwife doing the scan starts to check out all your organs, which are all declared in place and growing properly. To our big relief we could clearly see the four little chambers of your heart, and that they are functioning well. A quick check from the midwife to make sure that we want to know your sex (to which the answer is yes!) and we are told that you are a... GIRL!

It is all over a bit too quickly for our liking! Some of our questions were answered a bit vaguely by the midwife as well, and overall the verdict is that we are not too pleased with the scan. So it is decided that we will try to arrange for another scan to be done when your mom goes to Italy again. Also, we want to make sure that you are really a girl, as it has happened before that the midwives got the sex of the baby wrong, or that the boy bits just develop a little bit later!
Our next trip to Italy is in two weeks time for Alessandra's grand mom's 90th birthday, but this is too quick to try and arrange a scan with Alessandra's uncle Augusto, who is a doctor as well. For the time being we can only trust and hope that everything is indeed fine and growing as it should be!
Your great grand mother Delia's 90th birthday party, 4 September 2010.

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