Friday, 5 February 2010

New House

Iolanda, today is a big day! It is any new couple's ideal to be in their own house before they start to plan, or indeed, form a new family. And we are amongst the lucky ones that received the keys to their very own house today! However, as with most things, it did not come without its share of sweat, struggle and the occasional swearword!

The process of looking for a suitable abode started  around March 2009 and believe me, it is not an easy process! All we are looking for is a nice two bedroom property, with a little outside space, decent sized rooms, not too far from the city centre and obviously at the right price. About 40 properties later we've pretty much seen it all: nice but too far from the centre, rooms too small, bathroom next to the kitchen, street outside too busy, too far from the tube etc etc!

Eventually we find a nice little two bedroom flat in Vauxhall. The owners seem very nice, and although it is smallish, it has a cellar for storage and a small little garden at the back. Best of all it is in zone 1 and you can see the London Eye from the tube station! Alas, it is not to be. The owner turns out to be not so nice at all, and the little cellar that seemed so convenient proved to be the biggest stumbleblock as it is not actually a part of the flat!

So, it is back to the estate agents and house viewings on the weekends! One or two other potentially suitable flats come along before we finally find a house that we think will be perfect for us three! It is everything we wanted  and more: not too far from the centre, walking distance to the tube, your own little room and a nice little garden for you to play in!

Well, so it is then that today, on the 5th February 2009, your mom and dad, with the biggest smiles ever, step into our house for the first time! But obviously the adventure is only starting now. The house needs a lick of paint, the movers need to be booked and most importantly, we need a fridge!
Compared with the process of looking for the house, these practical things are easy though, and before we know it, it is the 16th February and we are all in!

On our first night in the new house, over a glass of champagne, we reflect on the last year: all the properties we've seen, the countless calls to the agents, lawyers, banks and mortgage brokers. It is now very easy to agree that it was indeed all very worth it!

There are many things that you will learn about your parents. For instance, your dad has a bit of his German ancestors in him. It is with this typical practical consideration that he confidently declares that now everything is in place, baby will come!!

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