Saturday, 8 January 2011

Your first days at home.

Your first full day is spent with your mom, dad and the whole Foderaro family. Understandably you are the complete centre of attention and countless foto's are taken! It is by and large still a reasonably relaxing day as you are mostly asleep, with the occasional feed and nappy change to keep us busy. Is it the quiet before the storm?

A very proud uncle Matteo could not get enough of his little niece!

Your first family lunch!
Our little family.
You are braving the cold English weather for the first time!

Nonna Mariapia is leaving us for Italy. How will we cope without her wisdom?
Chilling out with Dad!


Visit from the midwife. You are 70 grams lighter than at birth, but this is normal at this stage.


Speaking to your family in Italy via Skype!

Your first little friend, Slonzino the teddiebear!

Overall we are settling in pretty well with you in our lives. You and your mom are doing fine with the breastfeeding, we've all gone shopping and we've even gone just for a leisurely stroll in the park! Apart from that we've also gone to the pub twice, once to meet up with the NCT group, and once for a drink with Ruth.

We also keep a careful record of all your feeds and nappy changes, in order to see if there is any routine to it, and more importantly, to see if we can alter it somewhat to fit in with what needs to be in our daily lives. Before we know it you are one week old, and dare we say it...things are returning to something resembling normal. It is just that normal is now very, very different!

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