Monday, 14 February 2011

Italian visitors

Alessandra and her friend Fabio have been trying for months to try and get her good friend, Emanuele, to visit them in London. Finally, after many false alarms and hopes, Emanuele finally managed to get himself onto a plane from Rome for a visit to London over the weekend of 12-13 February. We suspect that the fact that Marzia and Federico, more friends of Alessandra, also visited London on that weekend had a lot to do with persuading Emanuelle to take the big leap!

Since Marzia and Federico visited us already, they will be sleeping at Fabio and Kate's house whilst Zio Emanuele will be braving your nightly cries by staying with us!
Friday after they've arrived, is spent playing with you in your little chair. That night, feeling adventurous, we go to a local pub for a (very quick) drink. 

Saturday afternoon Marzia and Fede go to watch Italy playing rugby against England with Kate and Fabio. Alessandra and Ema spent the morning shopping in Clapham for that nights dinner to which everybody, including Agnese, is invited.
Your Zio Emanuele is a very good cook and he spends all afternoon working his magic on a very typical Italian meal:    Pasta al fume (tomato sauce,cream a bacon), polpettone (a big long meat ball) with salad and a fantastic tiramisu.

It turns out to be a very pleasant evening, apart from little Iolanda absolutely refusing to go to sleep until after midnight! It is for us quite a big shock as we've not struggled this much to get you to bed since your birth and a firm decision is made to start working on a stricter routine from next week!

Ema Ale and Iolanda

On Sunday the end of a very good weekend is celebrated with a Sunday Roast at the Avalon Pub in Clapham South. You are very good and fast asleep for most of it in your pram. This weekend you were immersed in the Italian language. Hopefully you found your mom's lifelong friends worth learning Italian for!

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