But it is not only a social visit as she also wants to check on your general health. We've been worried for a while that you are not gaining enough weight every week. To date your best weight gain in a single week has been 180 grammes, which is quite a bit below what the average should be.
So, as we have a baby scale your mom and grandmom weigh you every time before and after your feeds, and it is calculated that you get on average about 100ml of milk, a bit less than what you should be getting.
With all the weighing and analyzing out of the way, it is time for a bit of fun! This comes in the form of a sort of dolls game where you are getting dressed up in all the pretty dresses you got as presents, the ones that are not so handy for going out, but great for photo shoots! Fortunately Heino is not there to witness how his daughter is being primed for a career as a fashion model!
But the fun doesn't stop there! Our NCT group organised a lesson in baby massaging which is to take place at Rachel's house. Christine, our Antenatal Teacher from the NCT is going to present the course in Rachel's big open plan Kitchen/dining/living area, complete with a mat for every baby. Before you know it you and the five other babies are totally undressed and Christine starts to show how to message the legs!
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After the message and with all of you fully dressed again, it is time for lunch: a homemade shepherd's pie baked by Rachel herself! It turns into a fun filled afternoon full of laughter. At the end there is the obligatory photo session with all six of you sprawled out in a row on the floor. It is an extremely cute scene and although you are the smallest in size, you are by far the most active with simply no stopping you kicking around!
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