Monday, 4 April 2011

Third month.

After celebrating your second month in the air on the way to Milan, the end of your third month sees you in the beautiful land of Namibia!

The biggest change of the last month is that we've started to give you some formula milk, not much, only about 200ml per day to supplement the breastmilk. This is of course because your average weight gain per week has been a bit small, and generally it has to be said that you don't strike us as a big eater!
The first few nights with the formula milk has been quite tough as you slept very little! We suspect that your little tummy and digestive system is struggling with this strange milk that it is not used to!

And then there are those smiles! They start to be more often and it is a constant competition between your mom and dad to see who can generate the most smiles! You seem to be very much a morning person as this is the time of day that you smile the most. They are heart-meltingly-cute and all the crying, dirty nappies and sleepless nights are instantly forgiven when those little gums are bared!

Another sign of your rapid development is that you start to use your hands much more, especially to grab some hanging objects. You also seem more interested in toys now, and especially Jack, the hanging parrot in your moses basket, is a firm favourite!

Apart from the stubborn cradle cap that does not want to go away despite our best efforts, every thing is going well with your growth and it is an indescribable joy to see how you are developing into a beautiful little person!

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